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The Videos that provided me with a Platform ..

In 2015, I filmed and uploaded a video which shows my research team extracting a plastic straw from the nostril of a sea turtle in Costa Rica. 


Not as much attention received another viral video of mine that shows my research team removing ghost fishing gear from a sea turtle in 2016.


These two videos helped increase public awareness of ocean plastic pollution and acted as a catalyst for the global anti-single-use-plastic movement. They also provided me with an incredible platform for my science communication.


You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel here.

TV & Film Appearances

2023 | Hannes Jaenicke: Im Einsatz für Meeresschildkröten (2023/05/09) (on-camera expert)

2023 | ZDF Volle Kanne: Im Einsatz für Meeresschildkröten - Hannes Jaenicke und Christine Figgener im Gespräch (2023/05/09) (interview)

2023 | SAT1 Frühstücksfernsehen: Retterin der Schildkröten (2023/04/28) (interview)

2023 | NDR DAS!: Meeresbiologin Dr. Christine Figgener (2023/04/17) (interview)

2023 | ZDF-Hallo Deutschland: Meeresbiologin in Costa Rica (2023/03/06)

2022 | RTL-EXPLOSIV: „Zur Not habe ich Hund und Machete“ - Christines gefährlicher Kampf für Meeresschildkröten (2022/10/20)

2021 | SAT.1-Akte: Die Schildkrötenretterin: der ewige Kampf gegen Plastik (2021/04) (portrait)

2020 | Smarter Every Day: E239 Everything about Sea Turtles (YouTube) (on-camera expert)

2019 | RTL-EXPLOSIV: Diese Frau befreit Meerestiere von Plastik 

(2019/11/19) (portrait)

2019 | The Nature of Things: Turtle Beach (S58E17)

(CBC Production, on-camera expert/ featured researcher)

2018 | La Vie Secrète d'un nid de tortues marines/ Im Nest der Meeresschildkröte 

(ARTE production, on-camera expert/ featured researcher)

2018 | Nature’s Turtle Nursery (BBC production, on-camera expert/ featured researcher)

2018 | ALJAZEERA -The Stream: What is the Real Impact of the #strawban? (2018/07/23) (on-camera expert)

2017 | STRAWSa documentary film about single-use plastic straws (Brook Productions, on-camera expert)

2014 | Paula und die wilden Tiere: Wie Schildkröten Eier legen (E50) (BR production, on-camera expert)

2014 | Paula und die wilden Tiere: Fit wie ein Faultier (E51)

(BR production, on-camera expert)

2014 | Paula und die wilden Tiere: Warum nickt der Leguan? (E52)

(BR production, on-camera expert)

Podcasts & Radio Appearances

2022 | Rewildology – "Ep. 61 | To Spend One Day in Her Shoes: Stories from a Marine Biologist with Christine Figgener, PhD"

2021 | Good Viral – "Interview with Dr. Christine Figgener"

2021 | Stuff To Blow Your Mind – "A Chat About Sea Turtles with Christine Figgener"

2021 | Fancy Scientist "#66: Sea Turtles and Straws with Christine Figgener"

2021 | So You Want to be a Marine Biologist  "Chris Figgener, PhD: Sea Turtles, Plastics, And Pivotal Moments (#55)"

2021 | The Darin Olien Show – "#80 Christine Figgener on Sea Turtles vs. Single-use Plastics

2021 | Helden der Meere – "Rettung der Schildkröten - mit Meeresbiologin Dr. Christine Figgener"

2020 | Into the Wilderness with Byron Pace   "#171 Science Shorts: Christine Figgener, Ph.D., Sea Turtle Conservation"

2020 | Science Vs. – "Coronavirus: Labs Go Dark" (Gimlet)

2020 | SprechLoud  – "Die Deutsche Umweltheldin"

2020 | Yakademia - "E09: Episode 9: Research Hurdles and Sea Turtles - Chris Figgener

2019 | Unsere Umwelthelden (Radio Vest, 2019/12)

2019 | Wildly Opinionated  "E14: The Sea Turtle Straw Lady"

2019 | Speak Up For Blue – “SUFB 806: Sea Turtle Week with Christine Figgener

2019 | The Informaniacs – "Christine Figgener aka the "Sea-Turtle-Straw Lady" (WTAW, 2019/04/22)

2019 | 1Live (WDR, 2019/04/12)

2019 | Let’s Rethink Food – “E7: Safeguarding Earth with Food” (EAT-Lancet)

2018 | Science Vs. – “Plastics: The Final Straw?”(Gimlet)

2018 | Higher Ed Social – “Christine Figgener & the Sea Turtles” (ConnectEDU Network)

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